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Digestion métabolisme

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  • What is digestion absorption & metabolism?

    This chapter presents a brief orientation to the processes of digestion, absorption, and metabolism. These processes work together to provide all body cells with energy and nutrients. This text’s presentation of digestion and absorption is based on Western perspectives.

  • How is metabolism controlled in mammals?

    In mammals, metabolism can also be controlled by an interplay between the small peptide hormones: insulin and glucagon. Both of these are produced within the islets of Langerhans within the pancreas, insulin within pancreatic β-cells and glucagon within pancreatic α-cells.

  • How is food absorbed through the GI tract?

    The movement of the food mass through the GI tract is controlled to enhance digestion and absorption. During passage through the GI tract, more than 95% of the carbohydrates, fats, and proteins ingested are absorbed.

  • Do metabolic processes oversimplify and underestimate the pervasive role of metabolism?

    Metabolic processes that have been discussed extensively within this review largely oversimplify and underestimate the pervasive role of metabolism in all living organisms. The discovery and breakdown of individual metabolic pathways have been at the forefront of scientific research for many years up until the 1960s.

Maîtrise ès sciences Nutrition et biosciences alimentaires
T D n 9 Régression linéaire multiple
T D n 10 Correction de Régression linéaire multiple
T D n 2 Régression linéaire multiple
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Université Mouloud Mammeri de Tizi-Ouzou
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Cours Rédaction scientifique : M1 Eau et Environnement
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Digestion métabolisme
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