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casablanca finance intermediation

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  • What is Casablanca Finance City?

    Casablanca Finance City (CFC) is an African financial and business centre committed to the continent’s future. CFC provides a stable environment, localized expertise and a support network to access Africa’s opportunity while mitigating its complexities.

  • What is the new 20% rate in Casablanca?

    The new 20% rate is applicable to financial years that were opened on or after January 1, 2020, which means that the 17.5% is still applicable to financial year 2019. Before FL 2020, two distinct regimes were applicable to companies benefitting from Casablanca Finance City (CFC) status:

  • What does the 2023 Finance Act mean for Casablanca?

    The efforts deployed by the government during the establishment of the 2023 Finance Act attest to CFC’s important role on its agenda and sends a strong signal of its intention to reinforce the regional leadership of the Casablanca financial center.

  • How much money did Greenfield invest in Casablanca?

    Greenfield investment flows out of Casablanca increased from $61m to $5bn between 2010 and 2015, mostly to Sub-Saharan Africa, according to fDi intelligence, a Financial Times sister publication.

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casablanca finance intermediation