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  • What does SP4 stand for?

    While the official abbreviation was changed from "SP4" to "SPC" upon the elimination of the SP5 and SP6 ranks, the SIDPERS database was authorized to continue using SP4 until the change could be made at little or no additional expense in conjunction with other system upgrades.

  • What is a specialist 4?

    Specialists were informally called "specs" (pronunciation IPA: /ˈspɛk/ ) plus the numerical grade of their rank. Thus, a specialist 4 was called "spec 4". As of July 2016 the rank of Specialist is the most common rank in the U.S. Army, being held by 115,033 of the Army's 473,844 soldiers.

  • Does SP5 & SP7 still exist?

    NOTE: The ranks of SP5 through SP7 (included below) no longer exist. SP5 and SP6 were discontinued in 1985, and SP7 in 1978.

  • What is SLE 15 SP4?

    SLE 15 SP4 can be managed via Salt, making it integrate better with modern management solutions such as SUSE Manager. As the first enterprise distribution, SLE 15 offers full support for Python 3 development in addition to Python 2. 389 Directory Server replaces OpenLDAP as the LDAP directory service.

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