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Application of the Automatic Stay to a Non-Debtor Corporation

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  • What is the automatic stay?

    Automatic Stay -- Immediately after a bankruptcy case is filed, an injunction (called the "Automatic Stay") is generally imposed against certain creditors who want to start or continue taking action against a debtor or the debtor's property.
    Bankruptcy Code Section 362 discusses the Automatic Stay.

  • What is the basis for relief from the automatic stay?

    A secured creditor may obtain relief from the automatic stay for acts against property if both the: Debtor does not have equity in the property.
    Property is not necessary to an effective reorganization.22 sept. 2022

  • How long does the automatic stay remain in effect?

    How Long Does an Automatic Stay Last? The automatic stay remains in effect until your case is closed.
    But, of course, it isn't always that simple.
    For Chapter 7, it's often the case that a stay will last the 3-5 months the court case is open.

  • Non-Debtor means any direct or indirect subsidiary or Affiliate of the Debtors that is not one of the Debtors.
The automatic stay is one of the fundamental debtor protections provided by the bankruptcy laws. It gives the debtor a breathing spell from his creditors.Autres questions

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Application of the Automatic Stay to a Non-Debtor Corporation