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Criminal Code of Morocco

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  • What is Morocco's legal system?

    Morocco's legal system is a mixture of several from around the world. Morocco's legal system is a combination of both Muslim Law and Civil Law . Civil Law originates from Continental Europe and it consists of an actual written code. It is a rational (based on reason) code that is universal (applies to everyone).

  • What is the most common crime in Morocco?

    The most occurring crime in Morocco is the use of drugs. This includes a large amount of drugs being trafficked. The main illicit drug that is being trafficked through Morocco is cannabis (form of marijuana). Over 65% of the cannabis seized in Europe was of Moroccan origin .

  • What is the citizenship of Morocco?

    The citizenship of Morocco is governed by the code of Moroccan Nationality, which is the identifying term for citizens. There are multiple requirements for a person to be considered a citizen of Morocco. 1.

  • What is the main police body in Morocco?

    The Moroccan police, La Direction Générale de la Sûreté Nationale is the authoritative and main State police body of Morocco. The Sûreté Nationale is tasked with upholding the law and public order. It works alongside the Gendarmerie Royale .

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Criminal Code of Morocco