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  • What are k-permutations in combinatorics?

    The properties of permutations do not depend on the nature of the elements being permuted, only on their number, so one often considers the standard set . In elementary combinatorics, the k-permutations, or partial permutations, are the ordered arrangements of k distinct elements selected from a set.

  • What is a permutation of a set?

    Formally, a permutation of a set S is defined as a bijection from S to itself. That is, it is a function from S to S for which every element occurs exactly once as an image value. Such a function is equivalent to the rearrangement of the elements of S in which each element i is replaced by the corresponding .

  • What is the number of bigrassmannian permutations below a Bruhat order?

    ACM Computing Surveys. 9 (2): 137–164. doi: 10.1145/356689.356692. S2CID 12139332. Masato, Kobayashi (2011). "Enumeration of bigrassmannian permutations below a permutation in Bruhat order". Order. 1: 131–137. Wikiversity has learning resources about Permutation notation Wikimedia Commons has media related to Permutations.

  • What if a permutation has k 1 descents?

    If a permutation has k − 1 descents, then it must be the union of k ascending runs. The number of permutations of n with k ascents is (by definition) the Eulerian number ; this is also the number of permutations of n with k descents.

Rem 2.9.1

For every positive integer n the following equality holds: Proof. Let S = {1, 2, …, n}, (mathcal {P}(S)) be the set of all subsets of set S, and T be the set of all n-arrangements of elements 0 and 1. Then, T is a 2n-set. For any k ∈{0, 1, …, n}, let Ak be the set of all k-combinations of elements of set S. Then we have Let us now define the fun

Rem 2.9.2

For any positive integer n the following equality holds: where the sum on the left-hand side of the equality (2.9.2) runs over all m-tuples (k1, k2, …, km) of nonnegative integers such that k1 +k2 + ⋯ +km =n. Proof. Consider the set A = {1, 2, …, m}. Let V be the set of all n-arrangements of the elements of set A, and V (k1, …, km) be the set of th

Ple 2.9.3

For any positive integer nthe following equality holds: Proof. Let S = {1, 2, …, n} and let X ⊂ S be a combination of the elements of set X. We say that X is an even combination if X = 2k, where k ∈ℕ0, and X is an odd combination if X = 2k − 1, where k ∈ℕ. The equality (2.9.3) can be reformulated as follows. The number of even combinations of a

Ple 2.9.4

Let us prove that for any positive integers m, n, and kthe following equalities hold: Proof. (a) Let S be the set of all n-combinations of the elements of set A = {1, 2, …, m} with repetitions allowed. For any j ∈{1, 2, …, m}, let Sj be the set of those combinations from S that contains exactly j distinct elements of set A. It follows from Theorem

Ple 2.9.5

The following identity holds true: Suppose that a box contains 2n white balls numbered 1, …, 2n, and 2n black balls numbered 1, …, 2n. We draw 2n balls without replacement. Let Sbe the set of all possible drawings. Then, For any k ∈{0, 1, …, n}, let Sk be the set of all drawings with exactly kpairs of balls having the same number. Then we have Sinc


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