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ISO Strategy 2030

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  • What is ISO 2030?

    The ISO Strategy 2030 outlines our vision and our mission for the next 10 years and a set of goals and priorities to help us get there.
    The three goals are stepping stones to our vision and will help us to ensure that our work is making lives easier, safer and better.

  • What is Strategy 2030?

    Strategy 2030 sets out how the IFRCwill build on over 100 years of striving for a more humane and peaceful world and adapt to emerging 21st century challenges.
    It ensures we will remain a dynamic global network of organizations that are fit for purpose and can best serve our communities.

  • What are ISO standards for strategy?

    ISO standards support global trade, drive inclusive and equitable economic growth, advance innovation and promote health and safety to achieve a sustainable future.
    ISO provides a neutral platform where experts the world over come together to develop and agree on standards.

  • One of the main goals of ISO is to develop worldwide standardization by promoting adoption of international quality standards.
    By doing so, barriers of trade are eliminated.

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ISO Strategy 2030