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  • What is the citizenship act of 2004?

    The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2003 was passed by the Parliament of India in December 2003, and received presidential assent in January 2004.
    It is labelled "Act 6 of 2004".
    The Act amended The Citizenship Act, 1955 by: introducing and defining a notion of "illegal migrant", who could be jailed or deported.

  • What is the nationality and Citizenship Act 1948?

    Under the Act all Australian-born people are citizens of Australia; previously, Australians had been British subjects.
    Arthur Calwell became Australia's first Minister for Immigration in 1945 and was instrumental in expanding immigration to include people from Eastern and Southern Europe.

  • What is the Canadian citizenship act?

    The Canadian Citizenship Act of 1947 created the category of Canadian citizenship and allowed residents of Canada to obtain citizenship regardless of their country of origin.
    Prior to 1947, individuals born in Canada and naturalized immigrants were classified as British subjects rather than Canadian citizens.

  • Section 12 of the Australian Citizenship Act 2007 provides that a person born in Australia is an Australian citizen if a parent of the person is an Australian citizen, or a permanent resident, at the time the person is born or the person is ordinarily resident in Australia for the first 10 years of the person's life.
Citizenship Act ( R.S.C. , 1985, c. C-29) · Table of Contents · Related Information · Amendments * · Regulations made under this Act · Section menu · About this  Canadian citizen · HTMLFull Document · Full Document · CanadaAutres questions

Extract from the Citizenship Act 1955
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