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Basics of Semiconductor lasers

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  • What is the basic principle of semiconductor laser?

    Principle: When a p-n junction diode is forward biased, the electrons from n – region and the holes from the p- region cross the junction and recombine with each other.
    During the recombination process, the light radiation (photons) is released from a certain specified direct band gap semiconductors like Ga-As.

  • What are the important features of semiconductor laser?

    In the instance of deburring, semiconductor lasers use their thin and precise beam to remove excess material without damaging any of the product.
    On the other hand, removing coating for analyzing a defective mold also allows manufacturers to see a defect without disassembling and damaging the product.

  • How are lasers used in semiconductor manufacturing?

    Unlike other lasers, semiconductor laser does not need mirrors to obtain the reflectivity needed to produce feedback mechanism.
    Reflection from the cleaved ends of the semiconductor chip is enough to produce lasing.

Semiconductor lasers are solid-state lasers based on semiconductor gain media, where optical amplification is usually achieved by stimulated emission at an interband transition under conditions of a high carrier density in the conduction band.

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Basics of Semiconductor lasers