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Investments held within the wrapper are not subject to capital gains tax or income tax while the funds stay inside the policy and no withdrawals are made. You can withdraw capital tax-free. Only the growth element of any withdrawal is subject to tax. You must declare the growth every year you on your annual tax form, but no tax is paid unless you m


Assets within an Assurance Vie may be dispersed as you wish on death, and there are tax advantages for beneficiaries. If you open the AV before you reach 70, beneficiaries of an AV have an (extra) allowance of up to €152,500 each before tax. Compared to €1594 which is the normal allowance for non-relatives (this also includes unmarried partners in

Currency Savings

International AV versions can hold different currencies. This is useful if the foreign exchange rate isn’t favourable, and you have assets in different currencies. See full list on thegoodlifefrance.com

Savings and Tax

If you are resident in France but hold Peps or Isas in the UK and – you will have to declare & pay tax on their growth annually. You can transfer the cash/holdings to your AV and not pay tax (until a withdrawal). This is a simple view of how an Assurance Vie works. But for many people this is an excellent investment vehicle for tax savings and for

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Comprendre lassurance vie

Comprendre lassurance vie

3 minutes pour comprendre l’assurance vie

3 minutes pour comprendre l’assurance vie

Comment fonctionne lAssurance-vie ? Guide Complet (fiscalité pièges frais performances)

Comment fonctionne lAssurance-vie ? Guide Complet (fiscalité pièges frais performances)