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  • Why is nitrogen important in a crop?

    Nitrogen (N) plays an important role in crop plants. It is involved in various critical processes, such as growth, leaf area-expansion and biomass-yield production. Excess NUE can support good plant performance and better crop out-put.

  • Why is nitrogen a limiting nutrient?

    Nitrogen is the main limiting nutrient after carbon, hydrogen and oxygen for photosynthetic process, phyto-hormonal, proteomic changes and growth-development of plants to complete its lifecycle. Excessive and inefficient use of N fertilizer results in enhanced crop production costs and atmospheric pollution.

  • What are the sources of nitrogen in plants?

    The major sources of nitrogen, taken up by higher plants, are nitrate and ammonium as synthetic fertilizers, organic compounds and amino acids etc. It depends upon the availability of nitrogen, and within the plants it is controlled by many metabolic pathways and genes expression levels [ 208 ].

  • Is biological nitrogen fixation an efficient source of nitrogen for sustainable agricultural production?

    Peoples M, Herridge D, Ladha J. Biological nitrogen fixation: an efficient source of nitrogen for sustainable agricultural production. In: Ladha JK, Peoples MB, editors. Management of biological nitrogen fixation for the development of more productive and sustainable agricultural systems. Berlin: Springer; 1995. p. 3–28.

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Understanding Our Soil: The Nitrogen Cycle Fixers and Fertilizer

Understanding Our Soil: The Nitrogen Cycle Fixers and Fertilizer

The Nitrogen Cycle In Agriculture

The Nitrogen Cycle In Agriculture

The Nitrogen Cycle

The Nitrogen Cycle