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Computer Science Master of Science ETH Study Guide

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  • Does ETH Zurich offer a master's degree in Computer Science?

    … The Master's degree programe in Computer Science at ETH Zurich offers a profound and in-depth education in several core areas of computer science.

  • What is a computer science study guide?

    Computer Science Study Guide This document contains important information for successful completion of the Master’s programme in Computer Science at ETH. It comprises a short description of the Master’s programme structure, the majors and minors, and other essential information on how to plan your studies.

  • How do I become a computer science tutor at ETH?

    For the Master’s track in General Computer Science any D-INFK faculty member may be chosen. Send an e-mail to the professor stating that you are a newly enrolled Computer Science Master’s student at ETH and ask whether he/she would be willing to be your tutor. Then fix an appointment to discuss your Learning Agreement.

  • Why should you study data science at ETH?

    The Master’s programme in Data Science at ETH provides high quality education geared towards nurturing the next generation of data scientists. Research in the field of data science requires solid skills in managing and storing massive amounts of data, as well as the ability to develop eficient mathematical algorithms for data analysis.

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Chapitre I : Calcul des polygones fermés
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Computer Science Master of Science ETH Study Guide