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A Concise History of France

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  • What are some historical facts about France?

    France is actually from a Germanic tribe and the original name was actually Frank. This word meant “free” which is why it was chosen for this beautiful, progressive country. The original name of France was Gaul, however, when the Germanic barbarian tribe destroyed the Gauls, the name France came into existence.

  • What are the most important historical events in France?

    HISTORICAL EVENTS IN FRANCE. 1789-1792 Revolution leading to constitutional monarchy. Not only overturned the monarchy, but also made the political power of the church a controversial issue. This lead to the establishment of the First Republic. 1792-1804 First Republic ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’. The First Republic was the under the direction of Napoleon Bonaparte.

  • Why is France so famous for?

    France has given the world fabulous food, amazing artists, memorable monuments and so much more! Here we touch on just some of the things that France is most famous for; Gourmet food – French cuisine is lauded across the world and for good reason. France has the highest number of Michelin starred restaurants.

L'histoire de France
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A Concise History of France
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