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Religion Politics and Global Society

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  • How does religion influence political activity?

    Moreover, religion has inspired a multitude of world events, ranging from horrific terrorist acts to altruistic responses to the refugee crisis. These resources consider how religious beliefs and actors influence political activity throughout societies.

  • Is there a political tension between religion & secularism?

    This political and religious tension has been amplified by the existence of global movements in opposite directions: increased secularism in some parts of the world and increased religiosity in others. By almost every indicator, regular church attendance in the European West has decreased to a mere 20%.

  • Is religion a threat to national politics?

    While religious movements can weald great positive influence in national politics, too often religion is exploited and abused by political leaders who take advantage of ignorance and sew seeds of insecurity to maintain power. The combination of ignorance, religion and nationalism creates a dangerous potential for war.

  • How has religion influenced the world?

    Around the world, religious actors and institutions have gained political influence, marshaling religious arguments to justify their activities. Moreover, religion has inspired a multitude of world events, ranging from horrific terrorist acts to altruistic responses to the refugee crisis.

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Religion Politics and Global Society