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Basic Film Terms

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  • What is film lingo?

    “10-4”: Short for “I understand” or “copy.” “10-100”: Short for “Going to the honey wagon”; a trip to the bathroom. “What's your 20?” Short for “Where are you?” “Action”: Director's cue for the actors and/or action to begin.

  • What are the 5 main areas of film language?

    Film language and techniques

    Filmmakers can make audiences feel more connected to their stories by using simple camera techniques.Sound.
    It's impossible to analyse cinema without understanding how filmmakers use sound.Lighting. Editing. Mise-en-scène.

  • What are the basics of film language?

    Camera Work.
    The basic element in all films is the shot. Optical Effects.
    Filmmakers use optical effects to influence how audiences see films. Editing. Lighting. Colour. Composition. Sound. Special and Visual Effects.

  • Learn about Filmmaking: 6 Simple Filmmaking Basics to Improve Your Film Skills

    Shot Sequences. Tell the Story. Shot Types and Sizes. Show, Don't Tell. The Three Phases of Film Production. Filmmaking Equipment. A Camera. A Tripod or a Stabiliser.
  • Bird's eye view. A shot in which the camera photographs a scene from directly overhead.
  • Close-up, Close shot. A detailed view of a person or object, usually without much context provided.
  • Continuity.
  • Crane shot.
  • Cross cutting.
  • Deep focus.
  • Dissolve, lap dissolve.
  • Dolly shot, tracking shot, trucking shot.

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Basic Film Terms