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  • C'est quoi la figure ?

    Abréviation de figure dans un article de recherche.

  • Quel est le synonyme du mot figure ?

    air, expression, mine, physionomie, tête, traits. – Familier : bille, binette, bouille, trogne. – Littéraire : masque. – Populaire : bobine, gueule, trombine, tronche.

  • Pourquoi Dit-on Figure-toi ?

    Figure-toi, figurez-vous que,
    attire l'attention sur une déclaration inattendue ; s'emploie sans complément après une affirmation comme marque d'insistance.

  • Cas de figure,
    situation, conjoncture envisagée par hypothèse.
  1. a number, especially one which forms part of official statistics or relates to the financial performance of a company."the trade figures"synonymes : statistic, number, integer, quantity, amount, level, total, sum, data, information, particulars
  2. a person's bodily shape, especially that of a woman and when considered to be attractive."she had always been so proud of her figure"synonymes : physique, build, frame, body, proportions, torso, shape, form, stature, vital statistics, chassis, bod
  3. a person of a particular kind, especially one who is important or distinctive in some way."Williams became something of a cult figure"synonymes : person, personage, individual, man, woman, character, personality, presence, representative, embodiment, personification, epitome, symbol, representation, exemplification, exemplar
  4. a shape which is defined by one or more lines in two dimensions (such as a circle or a triangle), or one or more surfaces in three dimensions (such as a sphere or a cuboid), either considered mathematically in geometry or used as a decorative design."a red ground with white and blue geometrical figures"synonymes : shape, pattern, design, motif, device, depiction
  5. a short succession of notes producing a single impression; a brief melodic or rhythmic formula out of which longer passages are developed.
  6. the form of a syllogism, classified according to the position of the middle term.

  1. have a significant part or role in a situation or process."the issue of nuclear policy figured prominently in the talks"synonymes : feature, appear, be featured/mentioned, be referred to, participate, play a part, play a role, be conspicuous, have prominence, have a place, star
  2. think, consider, or expect to be the case."I figured that I didn't have much of a chance"synonymes : suppose, think, believe, fancy, consider, expect, take it, suspect, have a sneaking suspicion, sense, assume, dare say, conclude, take it as read, presume, be of the opinion, trust, deduce, infer, gather, glean, divine, guess
  3. calculate or work out (an amount or value) arithmetically."my accountant figured my tax wrong"synonymes : calculate, work out, total, sum, reckon, compute, enumerate, determine, evaluate, quantify, assess, count, add up, put a figure on, tally, totalize, gauge, tot up, cast
  4. represent in a diagram or picture."varieties of this Cape genus are figured from drawings made there"

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