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  • What are the fundamentals of Internet?

    The Web is a collection of interconnected documents (web pages) and other web resources, linked by hyperlinks and URLs.
    Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, is the language used on the Web for information transfer, yet it is just one of many languages or protocols that can be used for communication on the Internet.

  • What are the fundamental technologies of Internet?

    TCP/IP is the name of a layered set of protocols designed to work well both in local area networks and in wide area networks.
    TCP/IP technology is what makes the internet work, and it is slowly but surely replacing proprietary LAN technology in pretty much all computer networks in the world.

  • What is the basic concepts of Internet?

    The Internet is a global collection of computer networks that are linked together by devices called routers and use a common set of protocols for data transmission known as TCP/IP (transmission control protocol / Internet protocol).
    The primary purpose of the Internet is to facilitate the sharing of information.

  • The Internet is a worldwide telecommunications system that provides connectivity for millions of other, smaller networks; therefore, the Internet is often referred to as a network of networks.
    It allows computer users to communicate with each other across distance and computer platforms.
Fundamental Internet concepts include web browsers, search engines, email, social media, communications, networking, security, HTML, CSS, graphics and multimedia, web accessibility, JavaScript, database concepts, project management concepts, and related career opportunities.

Brief History of the Internet
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