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  • What are the job prospects for someone with a bachelor's in business?

    A bachelor's degree in business administration opens a lot of doors with many corporations, serving as proof that you know how to perform the tasks expected of managers and other positions higher up the chain. Your particular concentration may have prepared you for a certain role, such as IT manager.

  • What are some popular schools for a bachelor's in business?

    Prepare for the business world and gain confidence by earning a Bachelor’s in Business from DeVry University. You can study fields such as accounting, finance, marketing and more.

  • What is the job market like for people with a bachelor's in business?

    A bachelor's degree in business administration opens a lot of doors with many corporations, serving as proof that you know how to perform the tasks expected of managers and other positions higher up the chain. Your particular concentration may have prepared you for a certain role, such as IT manager.

  • What are the most important skills for people with a bachelor's in business?

    A bachelor's degree in business administration is a four year degree program aimed at turning students into competent and knowledgeable businessmen and women. These programs will focus on teaching skills important to success, like critical thinking and how to communicate effectively.

What Is A Business Administration/Management Major?

Business administration majors learn the mechanics of business through classes in fundamentals such as finance, accounting and marketing and delve into more specialized topics. Students find ways to solve problems using data, and they develop communication and managerial skills. Business administration majors also study the ethical aspects of busin

Common Coursework Business Administration/Management Majors Can Expect

Coursework for business administration majors begins with introductory classes. Subjects include economics, statistics, accounting, marketing, management and organization, business communication, and entrepreneurship. Students then focus on coursework more aligned with their interests, or they may choose a concentration. Students may take advanced

How to Know If This Major Is The Right Fit For You

Business administration majors should have an affinity for numbers to excel in math-related foundational courses, such as macroeconomics, microeconomics, calculus and accounting. These majors also need leadership, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Business administration programs may focus on real-world scenarios or require students to

What Can I Do with A Business Administration/Management Major?

A business administration major has a range of possible career paths. Accounting, finance, human resources management, marketing, public relations, consulting and technology are just a few options. Graduates may work as financial analysts, regulatory affairs specialists, real estate brokers, sales managers and market research analysts. Students may

Schools Offering A Business Administration/Management Major

Check out some schools below that offer business administration majors and find the full list of schools here that you can filter and sort. See full list on usnews.com

Gestionnaire du stock de la pharmacie
Furet du Nord
Exploitation fouille de données gestion de bases de données
Organisation et gestion de vos données sous Excel
Technologies de l'Informatique L1 (S1 et S2) Tronc Commun
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