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What Is Design

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  • What is your definition of design?

    Definition and key concepts.
    Generally speaking, it is the process of envisioning and planning the creation of objects, interactive systems, buildings, vehicles, etc.
    It user-centered, i.e. users are at the heart of the design thinking approach.

  • How do I explain design?

    A design is a concept of or proposal for an object, a process, or a system.
    Design refers to something that is or has been intentionally created by a thinking agent, though it is sometimes used to refer to the nature of something - its design.

  • What is design and its purpose?

    Designing is the art of creating something that is both functional and visually appealing.
    We design to communicate, express ourselves, and solve problems.
    Designing helps us to create products that are more efficient, effective, and user-friendly.

  • Design is an art form, a method of human expression that follows a system of highly developed procedures in order to imbue objects, performances, and experiences with significance.
    Like all art forms, design has the potential to solve problems, but there is no guarantee that it will.
  1. a plan or drawing produced to show the look and function or workings of a building, garment, or other object before it is made."he has just unveiled his design for the new museum"synonymes : plan, blueprint, drawing, scale drawing, sketch, outline, map, plot, diagram, delineation, draft, depiction, representation, artist's impression, scheme, model, prototype, proposal
  2. a decorative pattern."pottery with a lovely blue and white design"synonymes : pattern, motif, device, style, arrangement, composition, make-up, layout, constitution, configuration, organization, construction, shape, form, formation, figure
  3. purpose or planning that exists behind an action, fact, or object."the appearance of design in the universe"synonymes : intention, aim, purpose, plan, intent, objective, object, goal, end, target, point, hope, desire, wish, dream, aspiration, ambition, idea

verb decide upon the look and functioning of (a building, garment, or other object), by making a detailed drawing of it."a number of architectural students were designing a factory"synonymes : plan, draw plans of, draw, sketch, outline, map out, plot, block out, delineate, draft, depict, invent, originate, create, think up, come up with, devise, form, formulate, conceive, make, produce, develop, fashion, fabricate, forge, hatch, coin, dream up
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What Is Design