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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int J Adv Res 5(3) 1939-1956

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  • What is Journal of Research Notes (ISSN 2641-1393)?

    Journal of Research Notes (ISSN 2641-1393) is an open access source of the scientific community with the valid results of the innovation in all disciplines of science from all over the world. Journal of Research Notes cannot be considered as full research articles with & method & procedure.

  • Is International Journal of Advanced Research a peer-review journal?

    Search More ... International Journal of Advanced Research (ISSN: 2320-5407) is an peer-review' and 'refereed' journal. Review boards in the field of expertise examining the journal articles before acceptance for publication.

  • What is ISSN 2349-5162?

    ISSN: 2349-5162 | high Impact factor: 7.95 and scholarly open access Research Journal, Multidisciplinary, Monthly, Indexing in all major database. DOI and HARD copy of certificate and Journal Provided. Referred by Universities to UGC Approved and UGC CARE List.

  • What is the impact factor of Journal ISSN No 2440?

    JOURNAL ISSN NO - 0012 2440 Impact Factor - 6.3 Home Call For Papers Archives Editorial Board For Authors Contact Current Issue editordickensian@gmail.com Ugc Care Group-II & Scopus Active Journal

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ISSN: 2320-5407 Int J Adv Res 5(3) 1939-1956