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Handbook of Master of Political Science in International Relations

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  • What is MA in political science in International Relations?

    It is a 2-year (four-semester) programme at JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) that aims to comprehend national and global politics.
    The course will provide rigorous academic content, train students to develop political analysis, problem-solving, and research writing skills.

  • What is the topic of International Relations in political science?

    The topics include the causes of wars; the relationship between international affairs and the problems of racial and ethnic minorities; the effects of population change on foreign policies; the effects of nationalism, imperialism, and colonialism; the strategic aspects of international relations, including the

  • What do we study in political science and International Relations?

    Political Science and International Relations are complementary and inter-related disciplines that explore power and politics in many different contexts.
    They provide concepts with which to explain, justify and critique the modern world.
    They examine ideologies such as colonisation and socialism.

  • In addition to gaining specialized knowledge about intercultural approaches, students graduating from an international relations program will typically acquire and refine transferable skills such as their research and analytical skills, communication skills, and interpersonal skills.

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Handbook of Master of Political Science in International Relations