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5 importance of floriculture

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  • Why is flower important?

    For most plants, flowers attract pollinators to make seeds, helping plants to reproduce and form the next generation.
    Flowers also play important roles in ecosystems.
    Floral nectar, pollen and even petals are an important food source for a huge range of animals, from bees and beetles to birds and bats.

  • What is the impact of floriculture?

    Good floricultural and landscaping practices mitigate ecological problems such as flooding, erosion, and absorb chemicals from the soil (oil spillage).

  • What floriculture means?

    floriculture, branch of ornamental horticulture concerned with growing and marketing flowers and ornamental plants as well as with flower arrangement.

  • A floriculturist cultivates flowering and ornamental plants for gardens and for the floral industry.
    Floriculturists with advanced degrees are often found in universities and in the horticulture industry in research and teaching positions developing and breeding new varieties of flowers.
Avis 3,7 (3) management of flowers and ornamental plants. - It has been derived from two words 'flor' means flower and 'cultura' means cultivation. - But now in addition to  Autres questions

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5 importance of floriculture