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Communication and Shared Mental Models for Teams Performing

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  • What is the mental model of team performance?

    The main functions of Team Mental Models are improved planning, coordination and alignment between team members which materializes in an increased team performance.
    More specifically, Rouse et al. (1992) defined three main function of Team Mental Models you should take into consideration.

  • What is a shared mental model of communication?

    The Encyclopedia of Applied Psychology defines an SMM as: “shared understandings or representations of the goal of the team, individual team member tasks, and how team members will coordinate to achieve their common goals; individual team members can have varying degree of overlap or 'sharedness' among their mental

  • What are mental models in communication?

    A mental model is a representation of someone's thought process about how something works.
    It is a concept, framework or worldview that someone develops in their mind to help them interpret their surroundings and understand the relationship between things.

  • For example, my mental model of pine trees says that if I lean back against one, then I will get sap stuck in my hair.
    Shared mental models are “shared causal beliefs,” as Dr.
    Edmondson describes them, that help us interact with each other.
    In other words, they're about being on the same page.21 déc. 2020
Shared mental model has been defined as [1]: “knowledge struc- tures held by members of a team that enable them to form accurate explanations and expectations for the task, and, in turn, coordinate their actions and adapt their behaviour to demands of the task and other team members”.

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Communication and Shared Mental Models for Teams Performing