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Pro JavaScript Techniques

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  • What is the advantage of JavaScript?

    Javascript: Powerful Client-Side Language
    Javascript's advantages, such as client-side capabilities and ease of use, have made it a popular choice among developers, and its ability to create dynamic, interactive user interfaces has enhanced the user experience of web applications.

  • How to be a pro at JavaScript?

    Learn step-by-step

    1Introducton and user interface orientation.
    2) Function expressions and callbacks.
    3) Document Object Model (DOM)4JQuery.
    5) Iterate arrays like a pro.
    6) Object-oriented JavaScript.
    7) Mastering Promises.

  • What is functional programming in JavaScript?

    Functional Programming is a paradigm of building computer programs using expressions and functions without mutating state and data.

  • JavaScript is a lightweight, interpreted programming language.
    It is designed for creating network-centric applications.
    It is complimentary to and integrated with Java.
    JavaScript is very easy to implement because it is integrated with HTML.
Pro JavaScript Techniques is the ultimate JavaScript book for the modern web developer. It provides everything you need to know about modern JavaScript, and shows what JavaScript can do for your web sites.

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Pro JavaScript Techniques