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Data Warehousing and OLAP Technology

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  • What is OLAP technology?

    Online analytical processing (OLAP) is software technology you can use to analyze business data from different points of view.
    Organizations collect and store data from multiple data sources, such as websites, applications, smart meters, and internal systems.

  • What is OLAP operations in data warehouse?

    OLAP or Online Analytical Processing is a category of software that allows users to extract and examine business data from different points of view.
    It makes use of pre-calculated and pre-aggregated data from multiple databases to improve the data analysis process.

  • Which technology is used in data warehousing?

    Databases such as Oracle Database Server, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and PostgreSQL are row-oriented database systems.
    These systems have been traditionally used for data warehousing, but they are better suited for transactional processing (OLTP) than for analytics.

  • The primary purpose of online analytical processing (OLAP) is to analyze aggregated data, while the primary purpose of online transaction processing (OLTP) is to process database transactions.
    You use OLAP systems to generate reports, perform complex data analysis, and identify trends.
Data warehouse is an archive where historical corporate data is stored and can be analyzed then. It can use different technologies for data extraction and analyzing. And OLAP is one of those technologies that analyze and evaluate data from the data warehouse.

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Data Warehousing and OLAP Technology