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Data Warehousing Systems: Foundations and Architectures

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  • What are the 3 data warehouse architectures?

    Three-tier architecture:
    The bottom tier, the database of the data warehouse servers.
    The middle tier, an online analytical processing (OLAP) server providing an abstracted view of the database for the end-user.
    The top tier, a front-end client layer consisting of the tools and APis used to extract data.

  • What is the foundation of data warehouse?

    Central database: A database serves as the foundation of your data warehouse.
    Traditionally, these have been standard relational databases running on premise or in the cloud.

  • What is data warehousing architecture?

    "Data warehouse architecture refers to a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, and non-volatile collection of data in support of management's decision-making process." Bill Inmon.
    This definition, of less than 20 words, has an enormous impact on the world of data.19 sept. 2023

  • There are three main data warehouse architecture types: single-tier, two-tier and three-tier data warehouses.
    Every data warehouse has the same vital components within its architecture, namely: ETL tools, databases, metadata, bus & data marts and access tools.
DW systems address the two primary needs of enterprises: data integration and decision support environments. During the 1980s, relational database technologies  Autres questions

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Data Warehousing Systems: Foundations and Architectures