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  • How do you describe a manuscript?

    Let us start by defining the term manuscript.
    We consider a manuscript to be a written paper that an author submits to an editor or a publisher for publication purposes.
    A scientific manuscript, however, is a scientific paper not yet in its final form.
    It is yet to be peer reviewed, edited, and published.

  • What is an example of manuscript writing?

    In the context of library science, a manuscript is defined as any hand-written item in the collections of a library or an archive.
    For example, a library's collection of hand-written letters or diaries is considered a manuscript collection.

  • What is a manuscript for a journal?

    A manuscript is the work that an author submits to a publisher, editor, or producer for publication.

  • How to make a manuscript

    1Create a title page.
    2) Add a header.
    3) Set regular line spacing.
    4) Choose a consistent font.
    5) Follow the publisher's guidelines.

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