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Introduction à L’Intelligence

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  • What are concepts of intelligence?

    Concepts of "intelligence" are attempts to clarify and organize this complex set of phenomena. Although considerable clarity has been achieved in some areas, no such conceptualization has yet answered all the important questions, and none commands universal assent.

  • What is intelligence in AI?

    A synthesis of 70+ definitions from psychology, philosophy, and AI researchers: "Intelligence measures an agent's ability to achieve goals in a wide range of environments", which has been mathematically formalized. "Intelligence is a force, F, that acts so as to maximize future freedom of action.

  • When did intelligence start?

    The term rose to prominence during the early 1900s. Most psychologists believe that intelligence can be divided into various domains or competencies.

  • Do humans have intelligence?

    Intelligence is most often studied in humans but has also been observed in both non-human animals and in plants despite controversy as to whether some of these forms of life exhibit intelligence. Intelligence in computers or other machines is called artificial intelligence .

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Introduction à L’Intelligence
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