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Basic Algorithms and Combinatorics in Computational Geometry∗

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  • What is the basics of computational geometry?

    Computational geometry is the design and analysis of algorithms for geometric problems that arise in low dimensions, typically two or three dimensions.
    Many elegant algorithmic design and analysis techniques have been devised to attack geometric problems, and these problems have huge applications in many other fields.22 nov. 2022

  • What are the applications of computational geometry algorithms?

    Other important applications of computational geometry include robotics (motion planning and visibility problems), geographic information systems (GIS) (geometrical location and search, route planning), integrated circuit design (IC geometry design and verification), computer-aided engineering (CAE) (mesh generation),

  • Are there algorithms in geometry?

    Geometric algorithms are a category of computational methods used to solve problems related to geometric shapes and their properties.
    These algorithms deal with objects like points, lines, polygons, and other geometric figures.

  • One example is computing the smallest circular disk that encloses a set of points (see Fig. 3).
    In low-dimensional spaces, very simple efficient solutions exist.
    Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations: Given a set S of points in space, one of the most important problems is the nearest neighbor problem.

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Basic Algorithms and Combinatorics in Computational Geometry∗