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Content and Language Integrated Learning: The Four Cs of CLIL

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  • What are the 4 Cs of CLIL?

    CLIL is complex and context-sensitive.
    There are general parameters for CLIL.
    These are: Cognition, Culture, Content, Communication.

  • What are the 4 C's of Content and Language Integrated Learning?

    Coyle et al. (2010) suggest that these multiple outcomes of CLIL should target 4Cs: content, communication, cognition, and culture.
    Content addresses the knowledge students should gain from a lesson, and communication could be connected to language outcomes.

  • What are the 4 elements of CLIL?

    The 4Cs of CLIL phrase Content, communication, cognition and culture (Coyle, 1999).
    These are interrelated components of CLIL and make up the 4Cs Framework.
    Culture is also linked to citizenship and community.
    Theory noun A set of ideas which explains something, e.g. a mathematical or scientific theory.

  • The 4Cs consist of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity.
The curricular subject- progression in knowledge, skills and understanding. COMMUNICATION. Using language to learn - whilst learning to use language. The key is.Autres questions

The 4 Cs to 21st Century Skills
Table 34: Best Practices of the Four Cs
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Content and Language Integrated Learning: The Four Cs of CLIL