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Kahn's Salk Institute: Measuring the Immeasurable

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  • What is the concept of the Salk Institute?

    In 1957, Salk conceived of a collaborative place where scientists could explore the basic principles of life and realize the broader implications of their discoveries for the benefit of our world.
    Jonas Salk's legacy continues today through the Institute that bears his name.

  • What is the significance of the Salk Institute?

    The Salk Institute was established in 1960 by Jonas Salk, MD, developer of the first safe and effective polio vaccine.
    Salk selected world-renowned architect Louis I.
    Kahn to design the research facility he envisioned would contribute to the betterment of humankind.

  • Who is similar to Louis Kahn architecture?

    Though he did not arrive at his distinctive style until his early 50s, and despite his death at the age of just 73, in a span of just two decades Kahn came to be considered by many as part of the pantheon of modernist architects which included Le Corbusier and Mies van der Rohe.

  • In a speech, Kahn asked “What slice of the sun does your building have?” He was quoting the poet Wallace Stevens in order to illustrate his belief that structure is defined by light: “Stevens,” Kahn explained, “seemed to tell us that the sun was not aware of its wonder until it struck the side of a building.” He felt 28 mai 2019
Kahn's Salk Institute: Measuring the Immeasurable. The Salk Institute is perhaps the most famous project of architect Louis Kahn. It is.ImagesTout afficherTout afficherAutres questions

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Kahn's Salk Institute: Measuring the Immeasurable