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WIPO/CR/KRT/05/1 : Overview of the International Protection of

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  • What is the international protection of intellectual property?

    The Hague Agreement is an international registration system which offers the possibility of obtaining protection for up to 100 industrial designs in designated member countries and intergovernmental organizations (referred to as "Contracting Parties") by filing a single international application in a single language,

  • What does the WIPO Copyright Treaty protect?

    One, the WIPO Copyright Treaty (WCT), deals with protection for authors of literary and artistic works, such as writings and computer programs; original databases; musical works; audiovisual works; works of fine art and photographs.

  • What is the role of WIPO in protection of IPR?

    WIPO is dedicated to developing a balanced and accessible international intellectual property (IP) system, which rewards creativity, stimulates innovation and contributes to economic development while safeguarding the public interest.

  • The Berne Convention of 1971 is the main copyright treaty designed to protect literary and artistic works.
    Its provisions are largely the same as those found under U.S. copyright law.

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WIPO/CR/KRT/05/1 : Overview of the International Protection of