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36 Sémaphores IPC

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  • How to perform synchronization using semaphores?

    To perform synchronization using semaphores, following are the steps − Step 1 − Create a semaphore or connect to an already existing semaphore (semget ()) Step 2 − Perform operations on the semaphore i.e., allocate or release or wait for the resources (semop ()) Step 3 − Perform control operations on the message queue (semctl ())

  • Can a semaphore be used as a mutex lock?

    For mutual exclusion, the semaphore is initialized to 1. As illustrated in Code Listing 7.9, semaphores can be used identically to mutex locks as shown previously. In fact, Code Listing 7.11 shows that we can use semaphores as a foundation to create locks. Acquiring the lock involves waiting on the semaphore and setting oneself as the lock owner.

  • How to initialize a semaphore in JavaScript?

    The semctl call is used to initialize semaphores but in this case zero will be the second argument, SETALL the third argument and for the fourth argument we create a union semun object and point its array field at an array of unsigned short values where each value initializes a single semaphore in the set. Wait and post operations.

  • Can semaphores be used for mutual exclusion?

    Both locks and semaphores can be used for mutual exclusion, though locks are typically the preferred abstraction. However, the mutual exclusion style of semaphores can be extended to allow for multiple but limited shared accesses. This concept is known as multiplexing.


IPC(Interprocess communication)is the transfer of data between processes. Other than semaphores we have other types of interprocess communication namely, 1. Shared memory, which allows the communication of processes by reading and writing to a specified memory location. This is discussed in the prerequisite article. 2. Mapped memory, which allow pr

Allocating and Deallocating Semaphores.

The semget system call is used to allocate semaphores while the semctlcall deallocates them. When we invoke semget we pass the semaphore set, the number of semaphores in the set and a permissions flag. It returns a semaphore set identifier. For an existing semaphore we can obtain its ID by specifying the right key value. Even after processes have t

Semaphore initialization.

The semctl call is used to initialize semaphores but in this case zero will be the second argument, SETALL the third argument and for the fourth argument we create a union semunobject and point its array field at an array of unsigned short values where each value initializes a single semaphore in the set. An example of initializing a binary semapho

Wait and Post Operations.

The semop system call is used to implement the wait and postoperation and each semaphore will have a non-negative value used for these operations. It takes a semaphore ID as its first parameter, an array of struct sembufelements as its second argument and the length of this array as its third argument. 1. sembuffields include, 2. sem_numwhich is th


The semget call allocates semaphores while semctl deallocates them. The semopcall implements wait and post operations where it is required that a semaphore value be a non-negative. A semaphore can be used for synchronizing threads or interprocess communication. See full list on iq.opengenus.org


Execute man semget, man semctl, man semop,Mapped memory See full list on iq.opengenus.org

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36 Sémaphores IPC