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  • What is the difference between EIB and EIF?

    The EIB is the majority shareholder of the European Investment Fund (EIF) , which provides funding to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) through venture capital and risk finance instruments.
    Other shareholders are the European Commission and financial institutions from across Europe.

  • What is the largest investment bank in Europe?

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the European Union's investment bank and is owned by the 27 member states.
    It is the largest multilateral financial institution in the world.

  • Who runs the EIB?

    In a nutshell, the EIB is the EU's investment bank, owned by the Member States of the European Union: lending to projects in the EU and beyond; blending its loans with other EU funds to increase the impact on projects; advising on project selection and project design.

  • The EIB is owned by the EU Member States.
    We are the world's largest multilateral bor- rower and lender and one of the biggest financiers of climate projects.
    The finance and assistance we provide contribute to the achievement of EU policy goals.

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Homepage  European Investment Bank