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JavaScript for impatient programmers (ES2022 edition)

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  • When will es2022 become a standard?

    It starts after ES2015 (ES6) because that release has too many features to list here. ES2022 will probably become a standard in June 2022. The following proposals have reached stage 4 and are scheduled to be part of that standard: 5.1 What are good references for JavaScript? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • Where can I find a print version of JavaScript for impatient programmers?

    The print version of JavaScript for impatient programmers is available on Amazon. Dr. Axel Rauschmayer specializes in JavaScript and web development. He has been de-veloping web applications since 1995. In 1999, he was technical manager at a German internet startup that later expanded internationally. In 2006, he held his first talk on Ajax.

  • What are ECMAScript & CommonJS modules?

    CommonJS modules are a module format that is mainly used on servers (e.g., via Node.js). AMD modules are a module format that is mainly used in browsers. ECMAScript modules are JavaScript’s built-in module format. It supersedes all pre-vious formats. Tbl. 27.1 gives an overview of these code formats.

  • What are private slots es2022?

    Private slots [ES2022]. For example, private fields are private slots. In classes, we can use public and private versions of fields, methods, getters and setters. All of them are slots in objects. Which objects they are placed in depends on whether the keyword static is used and other factors.

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JavaScript for impatient programmers (ES2022 edition)