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VHDL Tutorial

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  • How hard is it to learn VHDL?

    As described previously, there is a popular (and to some extent deserved) perception that VHDL is hard to learn and use.
    While it is true that VHDL is a big and complex language, there is certainly no need to learn all of its features before beginning with your first few designs.

  • Is VHDL similar to C++?

    VisualHDL is an integrated development environment (IDE) rapid design for FPGAs.
    It is based on THDL++ - a C++-like language with fully paralell VHDL semantics.
    It allows developing fully parallel FPGA designs having the flexibility, modularity and maintainability of C++ code.

  • Here are some more VHDL basics.
    The language consists of synthesis and simulation constructions.
    Some constructs are used for simulation only, while others can be used for both.
    VHDL is make up of reserved keywords, like most text languages, and is NOT case sensitive.

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VHDL Tutorial