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Are Cities Aware Enough? A Framework for Developing

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  • Why are sustainable cities important?

    Sustainable cities play an important role in reducing global emissions.
    From sustainable public transportation to urban farming, we explore what are the most important features of sustainable cities and society, and how any cities can learn to help the planet.

  • What are some of the goals of the future cities?

    All cities of the future need to become more efficient in their consumption of natural resources such as energy, water, and materials, while reducing their generation of waste and emissions.

  • What does a sustainable city look like?

    The perfect sustainable city would be one that is self-sufficient in energy, manages waste to produce energy, has more sustainable transport, maintains green spaces and manages and uses its natural resources correctly.

  • A great example of a sustainable city is Copenhagen, in Denmark.

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Are Cities Aware Enough? A Framework for Developing