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  • What is a correction notice?

    a concise, clear wording of the correction, or in the case of an error in a table or figure, a replacement version of the table or figure Once approved, the correction notice is created in the journal’s official template using the information provided by the author. This correction notice is usually published with a DOI both in print and online.

  • How do I write a correction notice in APA?

    Simply write a standard reference list entry for the work, and ensure you do not reproduce any errors from the original. Readers will be informed of the correction when they retrieve the cited work. The following are examples of correction notices published in APA journals.

  • Do I need a correction if I have a typo?

    For obvious typos, we correct the error without appending a correction. During breaking news, there are times when incorrect information is part of the story and does not require a correction: A death toll may be reduced, the number of suspects may change or officials may correct an earlier statement.

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Notes et corrections