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2021 Urinary Tract Infection Protocol Change

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  • What is the CDC NHSN UTI module?

    To be used in conjunction with Chapter 17: CDC/NHSN Surveillance Definitions for Specific Types of Infections [PDF – 2 MB] in the NHSN Patient Safety Manual. CDC’s NHSN UTI module provides a platform for tracking urinary tract infections; symptomatic and asymptomatic events.

  • What is the difference between USI and UTI in 2021?

    The change in 2021 allows both USI and UTI to be identified and both events reported. Each major type event (USI and UTI) creates an RIT. This allows for more accurate event reporting. 3/25 Male patient, 67 years of age admitted to an acute care hospital for trauma; Indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) inserted.

  • Is a mixed flora urine culture eligible for an NHSN UTI determination?

    The answer is No. This urine culture is not eligible for use in an NHSN UTI determination. Because “mixed flora”* means that at least 2 organisms are present in addition to the identified organism, such a urine culture does not meet the criteria for a positive urine culture with 2 organisms or less.

  • Is a urine culture result eligible for a UTI?

    This urine culture result is not > 2 organisms and is an eligible specimen. If a urine culture is positive for 1 organism >100,000 CFU/ml and mixed flora, is this an eligible urine culture results required for UTI? The answer is No. This urine culture is not eligible for use in an NHSN UTI determination.

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2021 Urinary Tract Infection Protocol Change
Patient Safety Component 2021 Urinary Tract Infection Protocol Change

Patient Safety Component 2021 Urinary Tract Infection Protocol Change

2021 NHSN Training: 2021 Urinary Tract Infection Protocol Change

2021 NHSN Training: 2021 Urinary Tract Infection Protocol Change

Urinary Tract Infection

Urinary Tract Infection