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2021 Rapport Annuel

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  • What is included in the annual report 2021?

    Annual Report 2021 Annual Report 2021 Contents Strategic report Our business model 01 2021 performance summary 02 Chair’s statement 03 CEO’s statement 05 Financial performance 07 Our long-term priorities 10 Our culture 11 Key performance indicators 12 Our external environment 13 Innovation 17 Performance 29 Trust 34

  • What is included in GSK annual report 2021?

    Annual report on remuneration continued GSK Annual Report 2021 131 Strategic report Governance and remuneration Financial statements Investor information Update on performance of ongoing LTI awards The Committee also reviewed the performance of the PSP awards granted to Executive Directors in 2020 and 2021.

  • What was the impact of a change in estimate for fiscal year 2021?

    Based on the carrying amount of server and network equipment included in property and equipment, net as of June 30, 2020, the effect of this change in estimate for fiscal year 2021 was an increase in operating income of $2.7 billion and net income of $2.3 billion, or $0.30 per both basic and diluted share.

  • How did the Committee benefit in 2021?

    In keeping with a desire to continually bring external perspectives into the Committee room, in 2021 the Committee benefited from direct engagement and insights about expectations of our sector and the company specifically in two areas.

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2021 Rapport Annuel