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Modélisation et répartition d’un Big Data Warehouse

Modeling in Big Data with ETL

The approach of conceptual modeling in the big data extract process intends to promote the use of UMLFootnote 1for modeling big data scenarios. The approach has selected the deployment diagramthis—diagram depicts the system’s architecture, the devices, their connections, and the software used to model the big data extract process. The idea of the a

Modeling in Big Data with OLAP

OLAP for the big data world must be a powerful concept that consists of pre-aggregation of immense volumes of data into multidimensional cubes and then query them to get faster results. Nevertheless, it is not a fresh concept; the thing is traditional OLAP solutions are unable to deal with big data. In order to handle this issue, OLAP should has be

Types of NoSQL Data Bases

The limitation of a relational model is having some scalability issues: the performance degrades while data volumes increase. This led to the development of a new data model called “NoSQL” (Not only SQL) and not (NoSQL); this kind of database is an emerging alternative to the most widely used type of databases (i.e., relational databases). NoSQL—as

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