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Automate des occurrences

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  • What is an “occurrence”?

    Policies define an “occurrence” to mean “an accident, including continuous or repeated exposure to substantially the same general harmful conditions which results in bodily injury or property damage.” The key concept of what constitutes an “occurrence” is that it is accidental in nature.

  • What is an “occurrence” of an accident?

    It defined “occurrence” as “an accident, including continuous or repeated exposure to from a single source, the gas boiler furnace. The injuries were from continuous or repeated

  • How to dynamically reference a 'current item' in power automate?

    When referencing the "Current Item" in Power Automate, it will NOT dynamically reference the For Each Loop you need. Instead, You have to add the expression you want manually. For this example, the condition will look like; items ('Apply_to_each') ---- is equal to --- items ('Apply_to_each_2')

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Automate des occurrences