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Volume 7A Chapter 1

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  • What is the difference between o1 and o1e?

    The 0–1 is a basic pay grade, which represents 2nd Lieutenant in the Army, Marine Corps, and Air Force, and represents Ensign (pronounced En-sin) in the Navy and Coast Guard.
    If an officer has done 4 years of prior military service, either as an enlisted servicemember, or as a Warrant Officer, they can become O-1E.

  • What is an inclusive day army?

    Inclusive meaning “to include”; this term represents the boundaries of the days that need to be account for in your equation.
    For example if you departed on leave the 4th of April and returned on the 11th of April, you “inclusive dates” of leave would be 5 to 10 April.

  • Does DEP count towards time in service?

    Time spent in delayed entry programs (DEP) is counted as part of this MSO, unless the member separates while in the delayed entry program.
    Those discharged from a DEP before entry onto active or reserve duty shall not have their time in the DEP counted as part of any MSO.

  • Does the 3 years of service requirement for officers include time spent as an enlisted service member? Does the 3 years of service requirement for officers include time spent as an enlisted service member? Yes, prior enlisted time counts towards the 3-year service eligibility requirement.

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Volume 7A Chapter 1