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Soft Power and Higher Education

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  • How to promote soft power in higher education?

    Attracting international students, intellectuals, and technicians from different nations is of pivotal form of soft power within higher education context. Increasing number of foreign students also can promote the soft power of nations.

  • Is education an effective soft power instrument?

    2. Education as an Effective Soft Power Instrument Culture and education come to be one of the most effective soft power instruments. In line with this, soft power is contrasted with 'hard power', which implies using of military force and coercion.

  • What is a soft power conversion model?

    In the conceptualized soft power conversion model of HE, the idea of the integrated behaviors includes three major components, including the educational and finance resources, education policy process, and education policy outcomes in higher education system.

  • What is soft power & why is it important?

    Soft power is the ability to get what you want through attraction rather than through coercion or payments. Joseph Nye, who coined the term "soft power", explains why it is becoming more important, largely due to globalization and the communication revolution. EDUCAUSE Comments: Dept. of Ed. Guidance on Third-Party Servicers (TPSs)

Internal Soft Power

The idea of the internal soft power is identified as the political attractiveness and cultural attractiveness at the international, national, institutional, and individual levels in the interplay of the internationalization and globalization of the higher education worldwide. In the conceptualized soft power conversion model of higher education, bo

External Regimes

In the higher education system, the external regime refers to the international regime that is the favorable international system structure of higher education. The independency and complexity of the internationalization and globalization of higher education serve as external regimes for shaping soft power of higher education fundamentally. In the

Implicit Pathway

The implicit pathway of conceptualizing soft power conversion model of higher education involves advocating global learning, global competence, and global citizenship at international, national, and institutional individual levels. Advocating global citizenship is essential to cultivate global competence through offering global learning. In additio

A Performance/Outcome Outlook

The Association of American Colleges and Universities identified the term global learning as a focus on what students are actually expected to learn through curriculum and educational experiences. The Liberal Education and America’s Promise (LEAP) Essential Learning Outcomes identified global learning as comprised of four cross-cultural learning ou

A Responsibility Outlook

Hovland (2014a, b) described students as becoming informed, open-minded, responsible people through global learning, who are seeking to understand how their behavior impacts both local and global communities and who can address pressing and enduring issues collaboratively and equitably. In this sense, the rationale of global learning involves offer

A Learner Outlook

In earlier work, Hovland’s definition of global learning focused on the objective of cultivating a global learner in postsecondary education. He pointed out that a global learner should be able to (1) articulate their own values and ideas in the context of personal identities and recognize diversified and conflicting social and civic problems and i

An Institutional Outlook

Hunter’s conceptualization of global learning focuses on the institutional perspective. At an institutional level, faculty and institutional leaders should actively participate in the conversation on what the core idea of global learning means at their specific institutions. In this sense, each specific institution is expected to develop their defi

A Dimension of Proficiency Outlook

AAC&U’s Valid Assessment of Learning in Understanding Education (VALUE) program involved faculty experts in defining a rubric for global competency, which requires the identification of different dimensions of the learning outcome that can be then characterized according to levels of proficiency. In the global learning VALUE rubric, the global lear

A Strategy Outlook

In parallel with identifying the definitions and critiques of global learning, LEAP includes some strategies for advocating global learning, including improving learning outcomes to guide curriculum development pedagogical approaches; offering sequential progression to improve students’ global capabilities rather than specific course content; invol

An Adaption-Change Mode

Stuart Hunter and White (2004) viewed the idea of global competency as an interaction between “student’s adaptation” and “cross-cultural environmental change.” Student’s adaptation is a student’s tendency to be a global learner through performing different specific skills directed toward engaging in a cross-cultural environment. A cross-cultural en

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Soft Power and Higher Education