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Les nombres en français 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Les Nombres de 1 à 100 en Français

We have already seen the numbers from 1 to 10 in French. 1. 1 – un 2. 2 – deux 3. 3 – trois 4. 4 – quatre 5. 5 – cinq 6. 6 – six 7. 7 – sept 8. 8 – huit 9. 9 – neuf 10. 10 – dix Now we will take it to the next level… See full list on woodwardfrench.com

Numbers from 10 to 20 in French

The numbers from 10-20 are a little irregular so unfortunately you will just have to learn them by heart. 1. 10 – dix 2. 11 – onze 3. 12 – douze 4. 13 – treize 5. 14 – quatorze 6. 15 – quinze 7. 16 – seize 8. 17 – dix-sept 9. 18 – dix-huit 10. 19 – dix-neuf 11. 20 – vingt See full list on woodwardfrench.com

Numbers from 20 to 69 in French

To write the numbers from 20 to 69 in French, you just add the single number (units) to the tens number. A hyphen is used to join the two numbers together. 1. vingt (20) + deux (2) = vingt-deux (22) 2. trente (30) + sept (7) = trente-sept (37) 3. quarante (40) + neuf (9) = quarante-neuf (49) See full list on woodwardfrench.com

Vingt et Un Or Vingt-Et-Un?

You may see the numbers ending in 1 after the number 20 (21, 31, 41, etc.) with two different spellings. In 1990 a new spelling rule came into place where all numbers made up of two or more words, including large numbers, now need to be joined with hyphens (dashes). 21 = vingt et un (orthographe traditionnelle – traditional spelling) 21 = vingt-et-

Numbers from 70 to 100 in French

The numbers after 69 follow a different rule that what you may be used to. The number 70 in French is soixante-dix. You will notice that it is a combination of soixante (60) + dix (10) The rest of the numbers in the 70s follow the same pattern of 60 + a number from 10-19. 1. 70 – soixante-dix 2. 71 – soixante-onze 3. 72 – soixante-douze 4. 73 – soi

Another Way of Saying 70, 80 and 90 in French

In the French-speaking parts of Belgium and Switzerland they have their own separate words for 70, 80 and 90. They are: 1. 70 – septante 2. 80 – huitante 3. 90 – nonante So in these areas, 73 is septante-trois, 85 is huitante-cinq and 96 is nonante-sixetc. Throughout this course we will use the standard French numbers. See full list on woodwardfrench.com

Ecriture des nombres en lettres de 0 à 1000
Les nombres
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