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2021-2030 L

Your Guide to The Lifecycle Funds

Each of the ten Federal Government Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) Lifecycle Funds (L Funds) is a carefully diversified mix of the five core TSP Funds (G, F, C, S, and I). They’re designed to help participants invest their portfolio into the L Fund that may get them a return on their level of investment risk when they begin withdrawing from their TSP. If

An Overview of Lifecycle Funds

Source: https://www.tsp.gov/publications/tsplf14.pdf Source: https://www.tsp.gov/funds-lifecycle/ Source: https://federalnewsnetwork.com/mike-causey-federal-report/2021/03/why-the-tsps-lifecyclefunds-are-picking-up-popularity/ L Funds were introduced in August of 2005 as a way to invest in the other five funds based on various “time horizons” of th

L Income Fund

Source: https://www.tsp.gov/funds-lifecycle/ You may consider investing in this fund if you were born before 1958 or are already withdrawing from your TSP account. The objectives of this fund are to achieve a low level of growth and a high emphasis on preserving your assets. Unlike the other L Funds, the L Income does not change quarterly, but it i

L 2025 Fund

You may consider investing in this fund if you were born between 1958 – 1964 or plan to begin withdrawing from your TSP account between 2022 – 2027. The objective of this fund is to achieve a moderate level of growth, mixed with a moderate emphasis on preserving your assets. As of October 2021, the L 2025 Fund contributed: • 49.58% to the G Fund •

L 2030 Fund

You may consider investing in this fund if you were born between 1965 – 1969 or you plan to begin withdrawing from your TSP account between 2028 – 2032. The objective of this fund is to achieve a moderate to high level of growth, but this time with a low emphasis on preserving your assets. As of October 2021, the L 2030 Fund contributed: • 33.31% t

L 2035 Fund

You may consider investing in this fund if you were born between 1970 – 1974 or you plan to begin withdrawing from your TSP account between 2033 – 2037. The objective of this fund is to again achieve a moderate to high level of growth, with a low emphasis on preserving your assets. But it allocates to the core funds slightly differently than the L

L 2040 Fund

You may consider investing in this fund if you were born between 1975 – 1979 or you plan to begin withdrawing from your TSP account between 2038 – 2042. The objective of this fund is to achieve a high level of growth with a low emphasis on preservation of assets. As of October 2021, the L 2040 Fund contributed: • 20.70% to the G Fund • 7.55% to the

L 2045 Fund

You may consider investing in this fund if you were born between 1980 – 1984 or you plan to begin withdrawing from your TSP account between 2043 – 2047. The objective of this fund is to again achieve a high level of growth with a low emphasis on preserving your assets. But it allocates to the core funds slightly differently than the L 2040 Fund, ta

L 2050 Fund

You may consider investing in this fund if you were born between 1985 – 1989 or you plan to begin withdrawing from your TSP account between 2048 – 2052. The objective of this fund is to achieve a high level of growth with a very low emphasis on preserving your assets. As of October 2021, the L 2050 Fund contributed: • 10.37% to the G Fund • 7.88% t

L 2055 Fund

You may consider investing in this fund if you were born between 1990 – 1994 or you plan to begin withdrawing from your TSP account between 2053 – 2057. The objective of this fund is to again achieve a high level of growth with a very low emphasis on preserving your assets. But it allocates to the core funds significantly differently than the L 205

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