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The State of Microfinance Investment 2011

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  • Are microfinance institutions attracting capital from socially responsible investors?

    We conclude that microfinance institutions, via investment vehicles, are likely to attract capital from socially responsible investors seeking new investment opportunities despite a sharp decline in the Sharpe ratio over the past few months. Content may be subject to copyright.

  • Is microfinance a new investment opportunity?

    Microfinance now seems to be seen as a new investment opportunity by global investors.Aim of this paper is to study the performance of public Microfinance Investment Vehicles. Despite a significant currency risk, we find that the integration of microfinance assets diversifies the investor’s risks and improves the efficient frontier.

  • What is the analysis of microfinance institutions?

    The analysis of Microfinance Institutions is done with reference to their performance in the areas of outreach, profitability and sustainability, and efficiency including both financial and operating efficiencies.

  • Can financial services predict microfinance?

    The predictive ability of financial services for most microfinance renders is yet indeterminate due to an unforeseen number of factors related to financial constraints, return on investment, and financial and non-financial measures of the organization in particular (Hermes and Hudon, 2018).

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The State of Microfinance Investment 2011