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  • What is a concern for eco-social sustainability?

    A concern for eco-social sustainability: .... Eco-social work is a new field of social work practice and research. The discussions about nature, ecology, environment, sustainable development, and indigenous eco-social knowledge gradually became a new direction for social work localization.

  • What is eco-social work?

    Ontology, cognition, and practice as the framework of analysis, eco-social work is a holistic transformation of traditional social work (Boetto, 2017 ). Eco-social work will become an important field of practice and research direction for the globalization and localization of social work in the future. 3. The concept and values of eco-social work

  • Are eco-social policies suitable public policy instruments for Integrated Environmental and social objectives?

    As complex challenges like climate change and inequality become increasingly salient, eco-social policies are emerging as suitable public policy instruments to pursue integrated environmental and social objectives.

  • What is the difference between Eco-Social Work and sustainable social work?

    Second, the concepts of eco-social work, green social work, environmental social work, and sustainable social work share the same concern: sustainability, but eco-social work is more concerned with sustainability using indigenous eco-social knowledge.

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