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Using Mobile Devices in the Classroom

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  • What are the benefits of using mobile devices in the classroom?

    Mobile information technologies can free students from the confines of the traditional classroom and allow them to learn on the go.
    Students can explore information, collaborate with peers, record their learning and receive feedback from teachers at any time and in any place (Ramnath & Kuriakose, 2015).

  • How is mobile technology used in the classroom?

    It is argued that, in the classroom, phones can be a constant disruption and may be used inappropriately, such as by cheating on tests, taking inappropriate photographs, and playing mobile games.
    Phones would also be a distraction, taking away attention that should be going to the teacher.

  • What do you think about using mobile phone in the classroom?

    In the modern era, mobile phones serve as our digital diary.
    Students can set reminders, to-do list and organize their schedules directly from their handy device.
    At times, classroom management is easier said than done.
    What makes it more difficult is controlling the behavior of the students.20 déc. 2023

Supporting Student-Initiated Mobile Device Use in Online Learning
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Using Mobile Devices in the Classroom