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John Stuart MILL (1871)

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  • What is John Stuart Mill's theory?

    He believed in a moral theory called utilitarianism—that actions that lead to people's happiness are right and that those that lead to suffering are wrong.

  • When did John Stuart Mill wrote utilitarianism?

    Mill's work Utilitarianism, originally published in Fraser's Magazine (1861), is an elegant defense of the general utilitarian doctrine and perhaps remains the best introduction to the subject.

  • What is JS Mill's theory of human rights?

    Mill's moral theory of justice and rights is applied to the case of women' subjection to prove that without liberty and without equality human possibilities will never become fully realized and any worthy life is possible for human beings whether they be men or women.

  • Mill's support for colonialism and empire has attracted recent critical attention in the context of debates about his status as a modern egalitarian liberal, and liberalism's historical justification for empire.
John Stuart Mill (20 May 1806 – 7 May 1873) was an English philosopher, political economist, politician and civil servant. One of the most influential  Autres questions

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John Stuart MILL (1871)